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Clarendon ISD



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Elementary College, Career, & Military Readiness


Oftentimes as parents we believe that it is too early to speak to our children about the next steps. However, we challenge you to invest in them by introducing them to different job opportunities that are available throughout the state and country.


At Clarendon CISD, we value the importance of having our students ready once they graduate to achieve their dreams no matter where life might take them.  It is because of this that we are challenging students by introducing them to job opportunities and life skills that will take them to new heights. 


In elementary, we are implementing character qualities of “What are B.R.O.N.C.O.S!


B- Brave

R- Respectful




O- Original

S- Self Control


We want our students to be prepared once they leave Clarendon CISD and have a perspective on whether they would like to attend college or technical school, go into the workforce, or join the military. As a result, we are introducing students to opportunities through different programs such as  “When I Grow Up” & “Xello”.  These programs are designed to provide age appropriate outlooks to job opportunities and what it takes to achieve them. 


We also believe that many opportunities for our students do not require a college degree. By introducing them to technical jobs, as well as military service we believe we offer them the opportunity to see different perspectives of life after high school.


If you have any questions about these programs, please do not hesitate to contact the school.