JH School Supplies
Junior High School Supplies 24-25
Basic Supplies
-2 boxes pencils
-2 packs of black pens
-2 packs of blue pens
-1 pack of red pens
-1 box of colored pencils
- 8 expo markers
-1 pair of scissors
-1 pack highlighters
-5 glue sticks
-1 bottle of glue
- 1 pack of eraser toppers/ erasers
- 1 package notebook paper
- Headphones or earbuds
-Pencil Bag
-Box of tissues
-Hand sanitizer
-Water Bottles
- 1 package of 100 colored lined index cards
1-1 Inch Binder
1 pack of Dry Erase Markers
-12 Black and Blue Pens
-1 2" Binder
-1 packet of five dividers
-1 packet of notebook paper
-1 White Out
- 2 composition notebook
-1 package 100 white lined index cards